Faith | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Genesis 4:1-16, 25-26

If the world we live in is wrecked by sin and death but brimming with God’s gracious and redemptive work, how should we respond? Genesis 4 outlines two different responses to God’s promises and exposes our hearts in the process. The two responses diverge because of the differing objects of trust.

Sermon Points:

  • Faith and its object
  • Faith and anger
  • Faith and its result

Evil | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Genesis 3:1-13

Genesis 3 opens up for us the origins of evil and death. Evil can never find its origin in the Triune God. But, because God is Truth and Life, evil opposes God and His good world by twisting truth and trying to be independent of God. The result? Death.

Dignity | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Genesis 1:26-2:4

The opening book of the Bible reveals a God who makes humanity in His image. This unique claim has profound implications for our dignity and purpose.

Sermon Points:

  • Dignity
  • Dominion
  • Delight

The Bible Is Messianic Literature

Scripture Reference: John 5:37-47, Luke 24:25-27

If we are to correctly understand any work of literature, we need to know its intended message. The Bible has a central focus to its message that is key to its understanding. That message is bound up in the person and work of Jesus. The Bible Is Messianic Literature!

The Bible is Meditation Literature

Scripture Reference: Psalm 1

We love headlines, sound bites, and summaries! However, the Bible is not designed for quick consumption, but instead is designed for repetitious reading over a lifetime. It takes work, but the result is worth it. This week: The Bible is Meditation Literature.

Sermon Points:

  • Definition of Meditation
  • Power of Meditation
  • Practice of Meditation
  • Key to Meditation