learn more about Christ Pres's view of marriage & how to request to have your wedding in our facility
getting married at Christ Pres
What You Need to Know
Congratulations! You are engaged to be married! Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC) rejoices with you!
Whether you desire a service for family and closest friends or are planning for hundreds of wedding guests, we are eager to help make your wedding both beautiful and memorable. The Pastors and Session of CPC believe that you should have every opportunity to be prepared for a Christ-centered and biblically grounded marriage, one which has all the potential of being everything our Lord intends marriage to be. We want to assist you in keeping your wedding on a holy and spiritual foundation.
At CPC we believe that marriage is a creation ordinance of God between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4-5), and the chief end of a Christian wedding is to bring glory and honor to God (1 Corinthians 10:31). The central figure in a Christian wedding is the triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Romans 11:36). The central imagery of a Christian wedding is the union and relationship between the Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Bride, the Church (Ephesians 5: 22-33). Because of these strongly held beliefs, CPC must take seriously any marriage that is to be performed on its property or by its ministers. Marriage is sacred, and because Christian marriage implies a distinct lifestyle, the church must protect and promote the spiritual values surrounding a Christian wedding and marriage. A Christian wedding is an opportunity for worship, and so every effort should be made to honor the service as such. CPC reserves the right to oversee all elements of the service in order for insure the sanctity of the event. For that reason, non-Christian weddings are not appropriate for our facility use.
The pastors of Christ Presbyterian Church, ordained pastors of Reformed University Fellowship campus ministries who are in good standing, and ordained pastors of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) who are in good standing may officiate.
Ordained pastors of another evangelical Christian denomination may officiate with the approval of the CPC Session.
The church sanctuary seats 650 and may be used for your wedding service. Fees for the use of the church are outlined in the Wedding Fees section of this document.
Weddings may not be scheduled after 8 o’clock in the evening. Only one wedding per day may be scheduled, and no other church activities will be scheduled during the wedding ceremony and four hours prior to the wedding. Weddings may not be scheduled for Easter weekend, July 4th, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Day and any weekend of reserved for a church wide event.
The wedding rehearsal will be held at either 5:00 or 5:30 on the evening before the wedding day.
Neither private nor corporate communion will be offered during a wedding service.
The use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco products of any kind (including vaping devices) is not permitted anywhere on the CPC campus.
Members of the wedding party deemed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be allowed to participate in the rehearsal or the wedding. The decision to dismiss a member of the wedding party will be made by the officiating pastor and the CPC Wedding Liaison.
Pets will not be allowed to participate in the wedding ceremony. Only Certified Service Animals will be allowed in the church sanctuary. No Emotional Support Animals will be allowed on the church campus.
No video or still photo presentations are allowed in the sanctuary.
Building security is required for all hours that the church building is open. Please refer to the Wedding Fees section of this document.
Music is an important part of your wedding service. It sets the mood for worship as guests arrive, accompanies the arrival and departure of the wedding party, and enables the congregation to participate in the wedding service. The music for weddings should be chosen with care so that it praises God and asks God’s blessing on the bride and groom.
A Christian wedding is a worship service, and music that accompanies the ceremony should direct attention to God, who sanctifies the marriage. Special care should be taken to assure that it is suitable and reverent. All music selections will require approval from the CPC Pastors.
You may hire the CPC pianist to play for your wedding, if he is available. Please refer to the Wedding Fees section of this document for the cost of hiring the CPC pianist. If he is not available, you will be responsible for hiring your own pianist and paying him or her directly.
You may hire additional musicians – string quartet, trumpeter, etc. It will be your responsibility to pay these additional musicians directly.
A CPC Sound System Technician must be employed to operate the sound system for all weddings. Please refer to the Wedding Fees section of this document for the cost of hiring a CPC Sound System Technician.
We want your wedding at CPC to be a beautiful and memorable experience, and flowers are an important part of your wedding décor. Adornment and arrangements in the sanctuary are welcome, but all decorations and floral arrangements must be in keeping with the character of a Christian wedding and worship service. Please share the following policy with your florist. It is your responsibility to make certain that the policy is followed and the church building is not damaged in any way.
The florist is responsible for all set up and removal of flowers and decorations. All decorations, flowers, plants, and other equipment not being left for the next worship service must be removed from the church building immediately following the wedding, no later than one hour after the ceremony ends.
Decorations may not be affixed to any surface in the church using nails, pins, wire, tacks, tape or glue. Decorations on exterior doors may be attached using suction cups, removable Command hooks or over-the-door hangers only. Pew markers are the only decor allowed along the aisles. Aisle runners may not be used in sanctuary.
Candles may be placed on the raised stage area of the sanctuary only. The floor beneath the candles must be thoroughly protected. Candles will not be permitted in any other area of the church building.
All facilities must be left “broom clean” after removal of flowers and decorations.
The use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco products of any kind (including vaping devices) is not permitted anywhere on the CPC campus.
Wedding Fees
Wedding fees are divided into two categories – those for members of Christ Pres and those for affiliates of Christ Pres. Please see the "Who May Get Married at Christ Presbyterian Church?" section of this document to determine which applies to you. The Security Deposit is due within 10 days of completing your Wedding Application. The balance of all remaining fees is due 30 days prior to the wedding. In the event of cancellation, fees are refundable up to two weeks before the wedding.
- Security Deposit: $250.00
- Use of Sanctuary: no fee
- CPC Pastor: $350.00
- CPC Wedding Liaison: $500.00 (when you have hired a professional Wedding Coordinator)
- CPC Wedding Coordinator: $1,000.00 (when you have not hired a professional Wedding Coordinator)
- CPC Pianist: $250.00
- Audio Technician: $200.00 (for wedding only, additional $75.00 if needed for rehearsal
- Janitorial Fee: $150.00
- Building Security: $150.00
- Security Deposit: $250.00
- Use of Sanctuary: $1,500.00
- CPC Pastor: $350.00
- CPC Wedding Liaison: $500.00 (when you have hired a professional Wedding Coordinator)
- CPC Wedding Coordinator: $1,000.00 (when you have not hired a professional Wedding Coordinator)
- CPC Pianist: $250.00
- Audio Technician: $200.00 (for wedding only, additional $75.00 if needed for rehearsal
- Janitorial Fee: $150.00
- Building Security: $150.00