The Song of the Angels | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Luke 2:8-20

When the angels appear to the shepherds in the countryside fields outside Bethlehem, they do so because they are finally being granted permission to sing about what they LOVE to contemplate: the scope of the Christian Gospel. Can we learn what the angels learn so we can sing like they?

Sermon Points:

  • The Angels
  • The Shepherds
  • The Mother

How It All Ends | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Revelation 20

We don’t like to hear the ending of books before we’re read them, but Christian need to know their own “ending” so that we don’t give in to despair. So much has been written in Rev. 20 and so much disagreement about what it teaches, but perhaps the message is simpler than we know?

Sermon Points:

  • A Snapshot of History
  • A Thousand Year Reign
  • A Bound Devil
  • A Vision of Thrones

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Revelation 19:1-9

The surprising culmination of John’s vision of Jesus’ dealing with his people culminates in the great Wedding Supper of the Lamb, where Jesus will take his Bride to himself. Turns out, the whole of Scripture can be summed up in this story: the Husband-Heart of God pursing his people.

Sermon Points:

  • The Wedding Event
  • The Wedding Story
  • The Wedding Bliss

Fallen is Babylon | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Revelation 17
John unpacks a second, albeit disturbing, image in Rev. 17-18 of a disgusting Prostitute who has corrupted the nations of the world. Far more than just a sexual image, John is talking about whoredom in the very seats of the powerful, and what God has in store for those in bed with her.

Sermon Points:

  • The Identity of the Prostitute
  • The Character of the Prostitute
  • The Fate of the Prostitute

The End is Near | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Revelation 16

In the third and final recapitulation of seven-fold judgements that God’s people will have to face, we see God putting an end to all excuses, and, by implication, all mercy. All that’s left is punishment. How does a Christian view the ultimate end of evil and how does it inform how we live today?

Sermon Points:

  • The Perspectives on the End
  • The Inevitability of the End
  • The Thoroughness of the End