Jephthah & His Only Begotten | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Judges 10:1—12:15

Jephthah’s “rash vow” is usually the focal point of this judge. Did he really sacrifice his daughter? And how can he be considered a “hero of faith”?

Adult Sunday School (9:45am): Judges – God’s people are often prone to gospel amnesia—we forget how vile and disgusting our sin is, and at the same time how great and persistent God’s salvation is. Come find out how the Old Testament Book of Judges—in both gritty and glorious detail—provides a good remedy for amnesiacs like ourselves.

Abimelech, the Anti-judge | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Judges 8:29—9:57

Abimelech represents God’s people’s rejection of God as king. As their idolatry gets worse, God gives them exactly what they want. It’s the horror when God says “yes.

Adult Sunday School (9:45am): Judges – God’s people are often prone to gospel amnesia—we forget how vile and disgusting our sin is, and at the same time how great and persistent God’s salvation is. Come find out how the Old Testament Book of Judges—in both gritty and glorious detail—provides a good remedy for amnesiacs like ourselves.

The Trumpet Warnings | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Revelation 8:1-9:21

What John sees in Revelation 8-9 are powerful images to describe world history until Jesus returns from the perspective of the world. God hears the prayers of His people pleading with Him to come in judgment, liberation and cleansing and responds with the trumpets. These trumpets are like tornado sirens, warning all of those who choose to live independently of King Jesus to repent and believe or the pain and suffering will increase.

Sermon Points:

  • The Why
  • The What
  • The Call

The Cry That Moves History | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference:  Revelation 6:1-17

As John gets a peek behind the veil into heaven, the scroll is broken, and all are shown the unfolding plan of God in world history. With vivid images, John sees that world history will be characterized by four horseman riding and bringing suffering. This sight is alarming, but also comforting to see that suffering is NOT a sign that the world is out of control, but instead a sign that Jesus is indeed coming and at work.

Sermon Points:

  • An Explanation of Suffering (vv. 1-8)
  • Strategy in the Suffering (vv. 9-11)
  • Security amidst Suffering (vv. 12-17)

Things Are Not As They Seem | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Revelation 1:1-8

The book of Revelation is written to a group of churches whose lives are getting “worse” as they follow a risen and ascended “unseen” Jesus. This book comes to people struggling to make sense of the world around them and says “LOOK!, things are not as they seem!” What is revealed to the apostle John and then shared with the churches are astounding images that make sense of the world, bring assurance and peace by ultimately revealing the character and presence of Jesus among them.

Sermon Points:

  • Reveals (vv. 1-3, 11)
  • Reveals Through Pictures
  • Reveals a Person (vv. 1, 4-8)