Feasting & Fasting | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:11, Leviticus 23:37-43, Matthew 6:16-18
The New Year typically brings renewed goals!  The Scriptures give us numerous practices that help form us individually and communally into the likeness of Jesus.  What would it look like for our practices around food this year to point us to what God is doing and shape us into the likeness of Jesus.  Scripture points us to the practices of feasting and fasting.

Sermon Points:

  • Consider Food (Matt. 6:11)
  • Consider Feasting (Lev. 23:37-43, John 2:1-10, Rev. 19:9)
  • Consider Fasting (Matt. 6:16-18)
  • Consider the Bread of Life (John 6:35)

The Forgiveness of Sins | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 18:21-35

Cancel Culture as we knew it in the last decade seems to be fading somewhat, but the questions our society faced throughout still linger in the conscience. But Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness as THE necessity of the Christian life is just as fresh (and challenging) as it ever was and the Creed seeks to keep every generation from forgetting that.

Sermon Points:

  • The Costliness of Forgiveness
  • The Reality of Forgiveness
  • The Practice of Forgiveness

The Hero Commissions His People | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 28:16-20

By its nature, good news HAS to be told. We aren’t really enjoying the thing until we spread the news about it. Jesus’ death and resurrection are followed by a powerful commission from him to bring his Lordship to bear on every area of life, and he empowers us to do so by his nearness.

Sermon Points:

  • Empowering the Mission
  • Directing the Mission
    • Accommodating Our Doubts
    • Clarifying Our Mission
    • Promising Our Success

The Hero Rises | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 27:62-28:15

Progressive commentators have said that it is unimportant whether or not Jesus actually rose from the dead. Nothing could be further from the truth. The facts surrounding the mountain of hard evidence for Jesus’ bodily resurrection not only establish its importance, but rescues human hope as well.

Sermon Points:

  • The Evidence
  • The Verdict

The Hero Dies | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 27:32-54

The most transformative events in our lives are when victory is snatched from the jaws of defeat. The Cross of Jesus is a profoundly ironic twist of fate that has changed the hearts of Jesus’ followers since the day he “yielded up his spirit” and died. “Why?” will be our question this morning.

Sermon Points:

  • The Ironic Antagonism
  • The Vicarious Abandonment
  • The Explosive Outbreaking