The Pharisee and the Publican | J.D. Shaw
Scripture Reference: Luke 18:9-14
Sermon Points:
- The Problem of False Justification
- The Source of True Justification
Scripture Reference: Luke 18:9-14
Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference: Luke 23:1-4, 32-49
No other event in Jesus’ life gets more attention than the rather ignominious death on the Cross, what anyone would have thought the lowest moment of his life. But the reasons why they seized up on it are at the heart of what is most unique about the Apostles Creed’s witness to the watching world.
Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference: Luke 18:9-14
Scripture Reference: John 5:37-47, Luke 24:25-27
If we are to correctly understand any work of literature, we need to know its intended message. The Bible has a central focus to its message that is key to its understanding. That message is bound up in the person and work of Jesus. The Bible Is Messianic Literature!
Scripture Reference: Luke 16:19-31
The vast majority of the objections our secular world has with accepting the Bible for what its come from the failure to understand the kind of tool the Bible is. Getting clear on the nature of Scripture is essential to growing in the wisdom it wants to impart.
Sermon Points: