The Song of the Angels | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Luke 2:8-20

When the angels appear to the shepherds in the countryside fields outside Bethlehem, they do so because they are finally being granted permission to sing about what they LOVE to contemplate: the scope of the Christian Gospel. Can we learn what the angels learn so we can sing like they?

Sermon Points:

  • The Angels
  • The Shepherds
  • The Mother

Suffered Under Pilate, Crucified, Dead, Buried, Descended | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Luke 23:1-4, 32-49

No other event in Jesus’ life gets more attention than the rather ignominious death on the Cross, what anyone would have thought the lowest moment of his life. But the reasons why they seized up on it are at the heart of what is most unique about the Apostles Creed’s witness to the watching world.

Sermon Points:

  • The Reality of his Death
  • The Significance of his Death
  • The Application of his Death

The Bible Is Messianic Literature

Scripture Reference: John 5:37-47, Luke 24:25-27

If we are to correctly understand any work of literature, we need to know its intended message. The Bible has a central focus to its message that is key to its understanding. That message is bound up in the person and work of Jesus. The Bible Is Messianic Literature!