Theology of the Body – Redirection | Robert Cunningham

Bible Conference: Session 2 –Redirection: We will explore the sinful redirection of God’s design for sexuality.

Theology of the Body: Robert Cunningham wants to shift our mindset from arguing with the culture around us about their views on sexuality and God’s intention for our bodies. Instead, he wants to offer a better story about how God intended us to think and use our bodies, made male and female, for his glory and the advancement of his Kingdom.


Theology of the Body – Revelation | Robert Cunningham

Bible Conference: Session 1 – Revelation: We explore the beautiful revelation of God’s design for sexuality.

Theology of the Body: Robert Cunningham wants to shift our mindset from arguing with the culture around us about their views on sexuality and God’s intention for our bodies. Instead, he wants to offer a better story about how God intended us to think and use our bodies, made male and female, for his glory and the advancement of his Kingdom.


Joshua: The Trouble with Common Sense | Eden Flora

Joshua: Every Good Promise Kept

Women’s Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings with coffee at 9:15am and the study beginning at 9:30am. The evening study meets at 5:30pm. Childcare is provided for both studies.

Abimelech, the Anti-judge | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Judges 8:29—9:57

Abimelech represents God’s people’s rejection of God as king. As their idolatry gets worse, God gives them exactly what they want. It’s the horror when God says “yes.

Adult Sunday School (9:45am): Judges – God’s people are often prone to gospel amnesia—we forget how vile and disgusting our sin is, and at the same time how great and persistent God’s salvation is. Come find out how the Old Testament Book of Judges—in both gritty and glorious detail—provides a good remedy for amnesiacs like ourselves.

Joshua: Ai Can’t Believe It! | Eden Flora

Joshua: Every Good Promise Kept

Women’s Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings with coffee at 9:15am and the study beginning at 9:30am. The evening study meets at 5:30pm. Childcare is provided for both studies.