Children’s Sunday School

We offer Sunday school for kids ages three yrs old up to 6th grade. Have your kids join us each Sunday morning at 9:45am as we continue through The Gospel Project for Kids, a weekly Bible study that helps kids dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.

All kids Sunday school rooms are located on the second floor of our building.

If you have a child ages 0 to two, we have a nursery available on the first floor of our building.


PYG (Pre-Youth Group) is open to 5th & 6th graders. Each Wednesday evening you can drop-off starting at 5:25pm under our covered drive on the north end of the building. During PYG our older kids hangout, study the Word & eat dinner. You will pick them up at 6:30pm by the back field (close to our basketball goal) outside if the weather is nice. If the weather isn’t nice, pickup is under our covered drive where you dropped them off.

This is a free event & no registration is required.


M&M (Music & Memory) is open to children age four by September 1, 2024 up to current 4th graders. Each Wednesday evening you can check-in & drop-off your child(ren) starting at 5:25pm under our covered drive on the north end of the building. While they are here we will sing, play, study God’s word and eat dinner. You will pick up your child(ren) in the same spot at 6:30pm.

This is a free event & no registration is required.

We are always looking for volunteers to help facilitate our programming. If you are interested in helping in any way, contact Elizabeth Adrian.

Children’s Sunday School

We offer Sunday school for kids ages three yrs old up to 6th grade. Have your kids join us each Sunday morning at 9:45am as we continue through The Gospel Project for Kids, a weekly Bible study that helps kids dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.

All kids Sunday school rooms are located on the second floor of our building.

If you have a child ages 0 to two, we have a nursery available on the first floor of our building.


PYG (Pre-Youth Group) is open to 5th & 6th graders. Each Wednesday evening you can drop-off starting at 5:25pm under our covered drive on the north end of the building. During PYG our older kids hangout, study the Word & eat dinner. You will pick them up at 6:30pm by the back field (close to our basketball goal) outside if the weather is nice. If the weather isn’t nice, pickup is under our covered drive where you dropped them off.

This is a free event & no registration is required.